Hello There, In this article, i am covering how to migrate the ESXi host switch from N-VDS to VDS 7.0 switch in NSX-T 3.2.x version. When using N-VDS as the host switch, NSX-T is represented as an opaque network in vCenter Server . N-VDS owns one or more of the physical interfaces (pNICs) on the transport node, and port configuration is performed from NSX-T Data Center . You can migrate your host switch to vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) 7.0 for optimal pNIC usage and manage the networking for NSX-T hosts from vCenter Server . When running NSX-T on a VDS switch, a segment is represented as an NSX-T Distributed Virtual Port Groups. Any changes to the segments on the NSX-T network are synchronized in vCenter Server. We have an NSX-T environment running with NSX-T version. this environment was designed and implemented with NSX-T 2.x version and that time we used the N-VDS as host...
Issue details:- Password remediation tasks on SDDC manager getting failed with below error. However, we are able to connect SSH with root password on the vROPS appliances, no issues with credentials. I checked Operations logs on SDDC manager and found below logs, indicating the SSH connectivity issues from SDDC to vROPS appliances. Tried to do SSH vROPS appliance from SDDC manager, getting below error... Seems some issue with ECDSA key.. Resolution:- SSH to vROPS appliance and retrieve the ECDSA ssh keys as below. Now, we have 2 options to update the correct SSH keys for vROPS appliance on SDDC manager known_Hosts files located at below location. /root/.ssh/known_hosts /etc/vmware/vcf/commonsvcs/known_hosts /home/vcf/.ssh/known_hosts /opt/vmware/vcf/commonsvcs/defaults/hosts/known_hosts First option is manually copy and paste the SSH key on all the known_hosts files and restart the SDDC manager services and then try to remediate the password again...
Today, I am writing this post related to SDDC manager backup task failure with error message " Could not start SDDC Manager backup Backup failed : Unexpected error encountered when processing SDDC Manager Backup ". SDDC manager is running with VCF 4.5.1 version. We have configured the SDDC backups on a external SFTP server. Below is the screenshot of backup task failure. After checking the operations logs under /var/log/vmware/vcf/operationsmanager/operationsmanager.logs we have found below entries related to backup failures that indicating issue with SOS client service and Too many files open in backup task. 2023-09-25T11:22:34.655+0000 ERROR [vcf_om,99cc8bcd8fbb453b,d881] [c.v.v.b.helper.SosBackupApiClient,http-nio-] An exception 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR: "{"arguments":[],"causes":[{"message":"[Errno 24] Too many open files: '/var/log/vmware/vcf/sddc-support/vcf-sos.log'","type":...
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