vROPS appliances password remediation tasks failed from SDDC manager

Issue details:-  

Password remediation tasks on SDDC manager getting failed with below error.

However, we are able to connect SSH with root password on the vROPS appliances, no issues with credentials.

I checked Operations logs on SDDC manager and found below logs, indicating the SSH connectivity issues from SDDC to vROPS appliances.

Tried to do SSH vROPS appliance from SDDC manager, getting below error...

Seems some issue with ECDSA key..


SSH to vROPS appliance and retrieve the ECDSA ssh keys as below.

Now, we have 2 options to update the correct SSH keys for vROPS appliance on SDDC manager known_Hosts files located at below location.





First option is manually copy and paste the SSH key on all the known_hosts files and restart the SDDC manager services and then try to remediate the password again. it will be successful this time.

Second option is to update the SSH keys on all the known_hosts files via script (fix_known_hosts.sh) provided by VMware.

Below are the steps to run the fix_known_hosts.sh script on SDDC manager. Script is available at https://github.com/asingh2021/VCF-script/blob/main/fix_known_hosts.sh

Note: Please do take a snapshot of SDDC manager before running this script.

1) Download the file "fix_known_hosts" zip file and copy it to /tmp on SDDC manager.
2) SSH to the SDDC Manager with the vcf user, and su root
3) Make the script executable, run "chmod +x /tmp/fix_known_hosts.sh".
4) Run "/tmp/fix_known_hosts.sh"
5) Provide the FQDN and the IP address of the node for which we need to update the Host Keys for.
Note: You need to enter the FQDN and IP for the vROPS node while running this script.

Restart the SDDC manager services or reboot SDDC manager once and then re-try the failed password remediation tasks for vROPS appliance, it should be completed this time.

sh /opt/vmware/vcf/operationsmanager/scripts/cli/sddcmanager_restart_services.sh

Cheers !!


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